By so sad no dad - 15/08/2019 06:00

Today, while out with my girlfriends, my overbearing boyfriend called and texted my phone over and over. Later, I told him to calm down and stop acting like my dad. He snapped back, "How am I acting like your dad when you don’t have one?" He knows my dad died when I was 10. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 634
You deserved it 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gmac91 7
HokieJ 10

I see that you left out ex before boyfriend. Make the correction and you should be good! So sorry to hear about your father!


TxKitten79 10

So many red flags. Get out now!

End this relationship now. He's not worth it. Please.

Give him two flushes. It's a long way to hell.

bl3ur0z3 17

Emotionally manipulative. If he's willing to throw out a comment like that without a second thought, he doesn't love you. If he apologizes later, good for him. He still can't be trusted with your heart.

Throw the whole damn guy and his insecurities away boo then go do you how you want to.

Sonotsuave 35

Yeah there’s too much wrong there and I hope you’re aware of it. Manipulative, controlling, harassing, doesn’t respect your privacy or girl time, and insensitive as **** to make a comment like that. Kick him out the door and I’m so sorry your dad passed away.

And now he doesn’t have a girlfriend.