By i-should-probably-stick-to-swimming - 03/01/2010 16:28 - United States

Today, while on the treadmill, my iPod fell and shot out underneath my feet. I got off to get it, and when I tried to get back on, I slipped and fell on my face on the moving track. The whole gym watched me get beat up by a treadmill and clapped when I finally got back on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 186
You deserved it 6 384

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If someone caught it on film we'll be seeing you on FailBlog soon. FYL indeed.

riku3220 2

You turn off the damn thing before getting back on.


WTF is wrong with people. Why where they clappping? Do people really think that is funny when crap happens to others. Crap that could potentially hurt others, I may add. I'm an EMT, may be next tine I go on a call because some idiot got hurt I should just clap and leave. I wish I could do that but I can't. At least not while on duty. Off duty it's a whole different story. I just wish that I could tell who's a clapper and who's not.

Comentator 0

YDI for not being careful...Sad part is if you were a woman every one would be rushing to your aid.

Whaha, the image of the applause is hilarious!

This once happened to me. I totally DI

This was hilarious. Sorry if you are bruised but this FML was very humorous.

Hahahahhaha! this was hilarious. I laughed soo hard.... I snorted. lol. Just Imao. You rock.

I laughed like heck. Yes, I've had many (painful) adventures in the gym myself =P I gave you both I agree and you deserved it. Why? You didn't give up, and an applause should always be seen as something positive ;)

rety1 13

lol wow. I was drinking earlier while running on the treadmill and still did not drop y iPod OR fall off... you. suck at running..