By Mitchellbassists - 17/04/2015 15:27 - United States - Dayton

Today, while mowing my backyard, I carelessly ran over a fire ant hill. Thousands of tiny stinging insects blowing towards you while you're wearing shorts and a t-shirt is definitely not fun. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 887
You deserved it 5 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully they avoid your intimate bits and you don't do a strip tease in front of young children.

Ugh I hate ants. Tiny creatures from hell D:


MrsHaxxo 22

I hope you are okay though :)

I've always just run them over, never had a problem. You kind of just run it over and then walk around the thousands of ants pouring out

That's pretty cruel IMO.... Or am I the only one who tries to not even step on insects on purpose...? Except spiders and centipedes. They are monsters from my nightmare.

@27 do you even know what red ants are? they're like black ones, but have killer bites. I don't think you'd be saying that still if you were covered in little biting insects

You've obviously never had an allergic reaction to those little bastards...

I'm actually allergic to fire ants, you just walk around the mound after you run it over.

You must be a liar, as your shorts seem to be on fire

joanleesimone 2

Honestly you should be happy most people end up hitting yellow jacket hives.

shit_fer_luck 8

We had these giant ant mounds in Southeastern Indiana. You would have to exert some serious effort to mow over one of those bastards. Though, I did clip one or two smaller mounds with the front wheel of a riding mower in my youth.

candygirl2015 12

Wouldn't the mower have killed the ants?