By erin3809483 - 23/05/2009 00:12 - United States

Today, while installing a deadbolt on my closet, I did it wrong. It closed but wouldn't lock so I had to re-install it. Sitting on the floor of my closet, I shut it to make sure it was installed correctly. I locked myself in for twenty minutes, home alone, before kicking the door down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 867
You deserved it 50 525

erin3809483 tells us more.

erin3809483 0

umm a deadbolt on my closet because i'm home from college and my sister steals all of my clothes. also, its not a deadbolt but like one of those doorknobs that have a key lock and when you install a new doorknob there is the piece that clicks into the wall when it shuts. I installed it backwards to decided to check and make sure it was right the 2nd time and it clicked therefore, i was locked in the closet because you install the knob after that.

Top comments

Duckie101 0

.......deadbolt.....on a closet? umm....por que, man?

Why the hell were you installing a deadbolt on a closet??


Seriously this story is kinda creepy. Who needs a deadbolt on a closet other than someone who holds people against their will?

lackofcolour 0

why would you ever need a deadbolt on your closet?

piddly_03 0

ydi if this actually happened. and if it did, you are retarded.

a deadbolt? are your clothes trying to escape?

xnikkiheart 0

i wanna know why the hell you have a deadbolt on your closet door...

R3TH0R 0

ok, all of you calling it fake are 1000% right; 1 - ***** up installing it ONCE already 2 - somehow locks the door (which somehow means he has the key on him OR that the leaver is on the inside) 3 - there is NO point to putting a deadbolt on your closet unless you plan to lock people in there, or are trying to hide a stash of drugs/porno mags from parents 4 - screwdriver/drill = unscrew the door hinges fu-ck-ing FAKE

burrito_supreme 0

why did you need a deadbolt on your closet?...

alwaysalady 0

I've always wanted to kick down a door..... Your lucky.