By JLoistheBomb - 11/02/2009 00:01 - United States

Today, while in our communal showers in the highschool football locker room, I started to swing my penis around because it feels good and I was alone. Two minutes later the rest of the team hops into the shower with me. 30 dudes, one self-induced boner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 675
You deserved it 76 556

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MCart_fml 0

Remember only 2 shakes are appropriate in the bathroom, anything else and you deserve the embarrassment..

FMLhilar 0

hahahahahahaha thats just embarassing


ooh, that's sexy. too bad they don't let girls into the locker rooms too...

robhammer 0

haha I'd be surprised if that guy even has a penis

are you sure it was 'self induced...' ?(: jk. that suckks babe(:

lolzaboner 0

so you didn't think anyone else was going to get in the shower?