By Anonymous - 25/08/2015 06:49 - United States

Today, while in line at the supermarket, I told the lady behind me that she had a cute baby. She shot me a disgusted look and straight up accused me of being a pedophile. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 898
You deserved it 1 828

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Definitely sad. A male friend of mine stumbled upon a lost child in the mall once and was on his way over to help, then decided against it for fear of accusation of being a pedophile or kidnapper. So he went and found a nearby female to approach the child and ask if she needed help.

I'm so sorry OP. Strangers always called me cute as a baby but my mom never freaked out on them like this woman did you. Though she did have a tiny heart attack at a restaurant in Japan when a waitress asked to hold me,then took me back to the kitchen to show me to everyone.

corky1992 33

I'll never understand why strangers think it's okay to ask permission to hold a child. I would have went ballistic if someone did that to my kids. What that waitress did is not okay.

Well we were in Japan,they might have different views on that and find it normal to ask to hold someone's baby. Like how in the US it's considered rude to slurp noodles or soup, but in japan it's considered polite.

blobbertthethird 24

Some stranger reached into my niece's stroller and adjusted the way she was sitting because she thought my niece was in the wrong position. Didn't even ask the mother.

I was in a coffee shop with my granny a few months ago and a lady my gran and me barely knew was there and she let her 1 y/o crawl on the floor. When she went up to pay, the baby was crawling towards the front door (that opened inwards) beside me, so without thinking, my babysitting instincts kicked in and I automatically scooped him up without thinking to avoid him getting hit by it, since the mother didn't see what he was doing while she was at the til. I sat him on my lap while she was finishing up paying, but before she came over I kept thinking "oh shit, is it rude I picked him up without asking?", but she came over, put on his shoes, jokingly asked how could I pick him up because he's so heavy, picked him up from my lap and walked off. Expecting my gran to tell me off, she just said "Isn't he lovely? He got so big since I seen him last". As I said, I only seen the woman around town before this and she would be kind of acquaintance of my family. It probably depends on the person and they see you're not causing harm to the child, they don't mind.

They're asking permission, #38... I don't see how that's not okay

Just because the baby is cute.. That doesn't mean that the mom is not crazy...

As a somewhat-new parent, let me tell you: 99.9% of parents with young kids appreciate a remark like yours, or even a smile or a quiet, "Aww." She just happens to be in the .1% that has to be offended at an innocent remark. Keep doing what you're doing, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it.

hoosiergirl94 31

You should have loudly said "I don't go for ugly kids like yours"

corky1992 33

She needs to get off her high horse. I hate people like this. Not everyone who compliments your child is a damn pedophile.

Well you shouldn't have said that while masturbating.

Severefear 7

Women looking at and complimenting a baby is "nice". When men do it it's "creepy", "scary", and "sick".

Some people...*shakes head* Don't worry OP, a lot of mothers like to hear that about their baby, and as a mother of a 9 month old preemie, I love hearing people tell me how my daughter is cute.

Sweetmia 3

These kind of things pisses me off. A guy cant go to park alone or compliments a baby/child without some parent assuming he's creep. Women can be just as creepy, they need to stop pulling that double standard bs.