By RustyGuy - 05/03/2010 18:31 - Canada

Today, while in bed, my nose became runny. Being as tired as I was, I decided to ignore it until the morning. Turns out it was a nose bleed, and my pillowcase is ruined. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 695
You deserved it 28 539

RustyGuy tells us more.

To add to the details: 1) The Pillowcase is part of a full set, so if I can't manage to get the blood out... and anyone who has tried removing dried blood knows its friggen hard... It's going to be very hard to find a matching replacement. 2) The reason I was so tired is because I'm an animation student at BCIT, and am working my ass off to finish my demoreel on time. I haven't had a proper nights sleep in quite some time. Still; i probably should have grabbed a tissue.

Top comments

DarkRadiance1UP 0

why would you deliberately ignore a running nose? that's just disgusting.



HunterAlpha1 8

i have discovered that if you have a nosebleed and you sniff and snort, then wait until you have a bunch of it at the back of your throat, you can hawk and spit out a huge clod of blood. i did that once and my mom freaked out because she thought i had internal bleeding.

Big ******* deal. OH SHIT, MY PILLOWCASE IS RUINED AND SO IS MY LIFE. >.> Grow up fuckface.

Don't be an asshole. You're not the one that has so buy a new one.

Agplrp 0

Actually if your blood was only on your pillowcase over night, it would wash out in the washing machine. Gross though.

fyl11122233 0

get a new pillowcase, this is not an FML....

So what! A pillowcase that had blood on it really made you think FML? if that's the worst to happen then you've got a much better life than most.

I got one in my sleep I woke up half of the pillowcase red and blood on my face my pillowcase isn't ruined just get some oxi clean it works

iheartbreak 8

oh no not the pillowcase! for ***** sake not that.