By RustyGuy - 05/03/2010 18:31 - Canada

Today, while in bed, my nose became runny. Being as tired as I was, I decided to ignore it until the morning. Turns out it was a nose bleed, and my pillowcase is ruined. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 695
You deserved it 28 539

RustyGuy tells us more.

To add to the details: 1) The Pillowcase is part of a full set, so if I can't manage to get the blood out... and anyone who has tried removing dried blood knows its friggen hard... It's going to be very hard to find a matching replacement. 2) The reason I was so tired is because I'm an animation student at BCIT, and am working my ass off to finish my demoreel on time. I haven't had a proper nights sleep in quite some time. Still; i probably should have grabbed a tissue.

Top comments

DarkRadiance1UP 0

why would you deliberately ignore a running nose? that's just disgusting.


why don't you just buy another one? dumb ass.

toxic10uhc 0

it happened because your canadian. lol

I know how you feel. I have a big issue with nosebleeds. at least 5-10 of them a week no joke :(

melizza 0

iv only ha one VERY small nose bleed before. so I don't know what it wa like

bluekitty75 0

omg no way!! hat happened to me too. few days ago i sat in bed for lie 15 min cause my nose was really runny. i kept wiping it with my hand (ik gross, bt wat else was i going to use?), finally i got soo pissed i got off my ass o blow my nose, there was blood smeared across my face and all over my hand. not fun :(

Happens to me all the time. at least YOU weren't in public. P:

youthink_fml 0

With a bloody nose, you'd taste blood when you swallow. YDI.

Actually, I get them at night a lot and I can't taste blood until it really gets going, by which point I'm asleep.

Despite what people think, you can actually wash blood out. Your pillow case is not ruined. If basic detergent and water doesn't work, use some stain-remover.

You could have easily washed it out. I have chronic nosebleeds, often when I sleep and fairly often when I'm awake, I just invested in black sheets and wash them when I bleed on them

lkrunner101 7