By Alpha - 17/12/2011 21:18 - Estonia

Today, while I was meditating in my room, I started to hear strange sounds. I was thrilled and thought I was having some sort of profound experience. It turned out my brother had tuned in to South Park out in the living room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 539
You deserved it 31 777

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe Cartman was trying to connect with you spiritually.

Screw you guys I'm going home to meditate. Oh wait...


Shadow_Phantom 26

Ah, FYL OP. You should really download the idosr mp3s, and listen to the "delta" one with earplugs in. It's epic... and blocks out most noise.

soo 1. South Park sucks 2. I'm assuming your room was upstairs so if he was downstairs in the living room couldn't you tell they were too far away to be related to you?

Wait, 1. Please use proper sentence structure while posting things. 2. Where did you get that he was upstairs from?

You've just hit nirvana. HAHA, Not. Kay go smoke some japanese maple leaf now. ^_^

Calm your dicks (or lack of them) It's called a ******* joke. FYI...I don't do drugs. So please...Go drink some tea And..Calm The **** Down KTHXBAI ^_^ And uhh...did I say you smoked "Kay"? Uhm no. I didn't..hmmm I must be ******* tripping balls.

What KaySL Said. IndigoAcrylic, all you're doing is either trolling or being a complete asshole on this site. Why don't you grow up a little bit and stop posting drug-induced comments on each anecdote? You sound like a 17-year-old stoner.

13scarlett13 4

Wow how lame that you were expecting to have some sort of "profound" experience by meditating. Hippie much?

ShroomsOnAcid 16

You're a freshly used turdhole.

YDI for expecting to have a profound experience. Even wanting one defeats the purpose. Read "zen mind beginners mind" by Suzuki. Then read "The Book on the taboo against knowing who you are" by Alan Watts. Then read some krishnamurti.

Shouldn't you be devoid of emotion during meditation so you aren't distracted by worldly things to help you connect with your spiritual self?