By Daniel - 27/06/2010 07:43 - United States

Today, while going to lunch with my boss, he asked me to check and see if the other lane was clear. When I did, he swerved hard, making me smack my head into the door window. This is apparently his new favorite thing to do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 648
You deserved it 3 952

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ArtIsResistance7 1

At least he didn't swerve so your head ended up in his lap. That would of been awkward. That would bring new meaning to "sucking up to the boss". Or has it always meant that?

HaiToThePeoples 0


south153 0

I will never understand how someone getting hurt is funny. If you don't want to leave this sadistic axxhole's employ for whatever reason (e.g., no other jobs within 90 miles at present), keep absolutely every interaction with him strictly professional without any discussion of anything else. And do not get in a car with him. I think if he asks you why not, you should tell him the truth:"I don't want to wind up smacking my head again." What if he'd braked harder than he'd intended and you received a serious injury? It could happen.

I will never understand how people getting hurt isn't funny. Because first no one got hurt. Sure head smacked glass but the op never said they were injured. And the op said it's the bosses new favorite thing to do; which leads me to believe the op keeps falling for it, makin' it funnier. The boss may be an asshole or the op is being too uptight when they've obviously got a relaxed boss, instead of postin' an fml they should prank their boss back.

55 but if OP does a prank it might end up being another "prank" FML that says today, I pulled a prank on my boss. turns out he doesn't like it and I now have no job. FML

Then it be worthy of being here. if the boss is pulling pranks on you or joking with you then they like/respect you as a person. I do shit to my supervisors all the time. As long as it's not disrespectful and done at the appropriate setting the boss shouldn't have a problem with it. If they do they're an asshole and weren't joking with you to begin with they were being disrespectful and seeing what you'd let them get away with.

Hell you can use the prank to your advantage, set yourself up for it and use that to prank your boss. Fake serious injury, with props like fake blood, pretend to drop, break or lose something of your bosses when they do it, like their phone, don't actually use their phone use a prop.

BallinJ 0

That's hilarious! I need to try that.

I used to ask pol to check for a CD case under my seat, then brake hard... HAHA... I might try this one out now!!

Geez how old is your boss? its funny, but immature and inappropriate for a business relationship. and ride with him again, just don't fall for anything else.

Where is the YLIA (Your Life Is Awesome) button when you need one?

He's your boss. Take it like a man/woman and laugh along, and he'll respect you for it.

fortunefades 3
The1AndAnonymous 2

can you blame him? what's the point of having underlings if you can't smack their heads inti windows!?