By Anonymous - 18/08/2016 20:44 - United States - High Point

Today, while driving to a client's home, I received a text. Since I loathe those who text and drive, I pulled into a convenience store's parking lot. While I was texting, a car sped into the lot, rear-ending my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 324
You deserved it 1 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You unwittingly starred in a rare pro texting-while-driving ad.

Michaelaarnett 22

Man that sucks. Hope you're okay op


Should've just texted while driving ?

Karma for the self-righteous. I dig it.

You did not deserve it OP, and anyone who says you did are assholes.

This is not how Karma is supposed to work. I'll make it simple as possible. You get out what you put in and it comes back tenfold. it's so so much deeper than that but the main thing is that Karma is not a punishment system

Good for you for pulling over to text. And since you did that, it's not your fault that some idiot drove into you. I hope you got their license plate number. Wonder if they were texting/talking on the cell phone.

41 - That's not what karma is at all. Karma is the belief that your actions in this current life dictate what you are reborn as in the next life.

Sandman2015 12

Oh man that would have been the perfect time to open your door, and just fall out of the car screaming about your neck/back/whatever.

DragonRain3390 4

Well...look at it this way. At least you won't be found at fault for the accident. Hope it turns out well, OP.