By Anonymous - 10/12/2010 23:59 - United States

Today, while browsing YouTube, I looked at the section "Recommended for You." I saw a video titled "How to get a girlfriend." Even YouTube thinks I can't get one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 094
You deserved it 5 483

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If youtube says so, it must be true...FYL

How stupid do you take us for? We all know YouTube doesn't think. It knows.


Use logic OP, you're on the wrong website for that.

fletch353 0

hey Matt. maybe you should watch it and not run away when chicks try to talk to you! oh yeah and all that weed doesn't help!

they only recommend videos that are related to previous ones you have watched so isn't that saying something??

Can't get one? That's your problem. Girls are not something to "get". Girls are meant to be cherished and treated like princesses. Maybe if you try acting like a gentleman, girls will give you the time of day. YDI.

You DO realize the "Reccomended for you" section's contents are all based on your recent views and faves, right? It sucks, but it's apparently your own fault. What did you watch that made it send you that, hm?

that would be because you probably searched and watched something similar sooo

schooyou101 5

that is a smosh video and it just shows that you've been watching too much smosh