By csc4lyfe09 - 03/03/2010 00:00 - United States

Today, while at my tutoring job, a middle school kid couldn't find a word in the online dictionary. I told him he could check a regular paperback dictionary. His response was, "That's what you did in your day. That's not what we do in our day." I'm only 19. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 854
You deserved it 3 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ah, the new generation. They worry me. -_-

Lol... I remember playing that game where you saw a page number on the bottom of a dictionary page and followed that clue to another page with another number and so on until you ended up at a picture of a penis or some other sexual word circled... But yea... now I just use my phone to look up something... wireless internet is the best.


chesoes 8

this makes me feel old O_o & am just 18

The internet makes you stupid if you do not know how to use it. Its not wrong to be conversant with the new technology, but it would be much better if you know both the new way as well as the old fashion. If tomorrow the internet is down what u become dumb instantly. If you know a bit about the traditional way, you will always have a plan B ;)

what spoiled middle school do you teach I'd have told the kid off I mean I'm 13 and I dont complain about using paper dictionaries or paper anything infact i love it

ohnobitch 8

FML?? More like FHL! Thats one dumb child.

Don't worry I'm only 28 and my teenage sisters think I'm ancient especially when I tell them we used to look stuff up in books

kids can be assholes and you need more self confidence.

How can u not find a word on an online dictionary?