By kggggg - 12/08/2010 11:00 - United States

Today, while at my friend's house, I noticed her brother had a bit of an accent. I laughingly said "Is it me or does your little brother have an accent?" She stared and replied with "No, he has autism." FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 784
You deserved it 47 384

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quest_ 13

Alright, op, let me be the sympathetic one: if an "accent" is all you noticed, chances are that her brother is a high-functioning autistic. Autism varies from person to person. My step-mother works in SPED and gets a lot of autistic students in her classes. Some are high-functioning - I wouldn't have known there was anything different about them right away. Others have autism so severe that they can't make eye-contact or speak. My own step-brother is autistic and falls somewhere between the two. You did nothing offensive, you just felt a little humble afterward. That being said; My little brother and I were born and raised in Texas and he has a Boston accent.


0xXprincessXx0 0

Sounds like your "friend" really is more like an aquaintance. She should have told you she has an autistic brotger to prevent such awkwardness!!!!

Agreed. I know I always warn people if I have a brotger in my house.

OochenSnoochen 15

Very witty reply, so I made a typo. For those with an IQ under 65, I meant brother. Satisfied?

I hate brotgers. especially during their mating season when they start destroying ear drums within a 200 mile radius with their mating call 0.o

88, so you made a typo BECAUSE people are making witty comments? how kind of you! well, since it seems that i have an IQ which does not exceed 65, i suppose i'll go study some more on punctuations and correct spelling. by the way, does anyone know a good spot for brotger hunting? i've heard they gather at the peak of mt. fuji during thunderstorms.

I just don't see that you did anything wrong here. And yes, it would have been best if your friend explained beforehand. Given that she didn't, she should be prepared for such reasonable questions.

dezg1 0

I don't see the FML. You noticed that his speech pattern was different, and you politely asked if he had an accent. I would doubt that she took any real offense...although maybe she was miffed that her best friend didn't know her brother was autistic? Anyhow, unless you were all like "What's wrong with your brother? He talks wierd!", then THAT would be an FML - and you would deserve it!

that kid is going to design some kind of device to have you killed for making fun of him. they are wicked smart ya know

ibitehard 9

How is this an fml??? you are an idiot op YDI

xxxkittykatxxx 0

>.> I have a friend with Asperger's who talks a little different. I think it's adorable :) She gets a little squeeky sometimes, but it's the kind of squeeky that makes you want to hug her. (But she's not big on the hugs, which I respect.) I remember the first time I met her. :) She helped me make spinach artichoke dip :D >.> But I forgot the spinach...

good move ass-hole. or as he would say asshhhhh hooooooooo. hehe