By kggggg - 12/08/2010 11:00 - United States

Today, while at my friend's house, I noticed her brother had a bit of an accent. I laughingly said "Is it me or does your little brother have an accent?" She stared and replied with "No, he has autism." FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 784
You deserved it 47 384

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quest_ 13

Alright, op, let me be the sympathetic one: if an "accent" is all you noticed, chances are that her brother is a high-functioning autistic. Autism varies from person to person. My step-mother works in SPED and gets a lot of autistic students in her classes. Some are high-functioning - I wouldn't have known there was anything different about them right away. Others have autism so severe that they can't make eye-contact or speak. My own step-brother is autistic and falls somewhere between the two. You did nothing offensive, you just felt a little humble afterward. That being said; My little brother and I were born and raised in Texas and he has a Boston accent.


I_have_no_clue 0

Why would you laugh at anyone's accent? 'haha he has an accent!' umm... no thats not normal. So YDI.

Better you than me, you're better than me, you've got it all! Edit: Damnit FML, this was a reply to #97.

That's so sad. Why would you even mention that?

What happened to my comment? justsayfuck What are you talking about?

BitterLoser 0

My sister has autism. I'm used to people asking about her speech problems. I wouldn't worry about itzzz

i don't know what worries me the most: 1) your profile says: "Name's Alex. I'm a musician, and a vegetarian. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Indie and Psychedelic music. Some of my favorite bands are: Pink Floyd, The Young Veins, Paper Route, MGMT, and Panic! At The Disco" 2) you are a guy, or at least the little blue border says it is, and you say "itzzz." 3) you look like you'd be fairly popular in the federal penitentiary. 4) your picture is probably from your myspace with some emotion-evoking username featuring all your "music." you may choose. oh and also, you're 14. excuse my excessive drinking of the haterade these days. i'm quite thirsty.

BubbaCatLove 0