By OCDrunk - 23/11/2011 06:40 - Australia

Today, when drunk, I became OCD about everything and spent 3 hours making sure that the books on my shelves were straight. I thought that being drunk was supposed to be fun. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 001
You deserved it 9 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should count yourself incredibly lucky that not only are you apparently passive and safe when drunk, you're also productive!


Not a drinker or do drugs. So I can't even relate. Awkward!

that1skaterxX 0

You Juss gotta belieeeeeeeveeee

It would have sucked if a earth quake hit

Of courrrrseeeeee it was your "younger sister". Don't try to save face. Your joke was horrible and disgusting.

R3dA1ert 0

It is suppose to b fun but depends on what you drink!

shrdlu 28

It took me about two semesters to realize that "being drunk/high/whatever" is not necessarily the same thing as "having fun".

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Just thumb down and move along guys, move along. No need for flaming.

Re-organising your bookcase... isn't fun? :(