By aurora320 - 19/07/2016 19:50 - United Kingdom - Bournemouth

Today, when confronting my boyfriend about slapping a girl's ass in the club, he claimed: "There was a mosquito on it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 831
You deserved it 1 386

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him he has a mosquito on his face and do the same.

Well you wouldn't want anyone to suffer the pain of mosquito bite on their ass would you?


is the 320 in your username your weight? if so I can see why he did that.

What do you expect if your relationship leads you to a club... now people in relationships can't go clubbing anymore?

The things that happen in a club is not the type of thing i would do in a relationship but ive been told im a boring person so i guess i do not understand fully.

You don't expect to have your arse slapped by some random bloke in a club, or at least it's very sad if you do. It's horrible behaviour no matter the setting.

So you don't dance or drink when in a relationship?

MiraRose 19

Since when is it not ok for a couple to go out and have fun in adult setting?

it really depends on where you live. Where I live for example it's pretty much only single people who end up in clubs or people looking to cheat. Sad truth, but it happens. So I mean technically he might not be wrong

Slaps his face, then tell him there was simply a misquito on it.

Smack his balls with a Fly Swatter and tell him you saw a fly.


Wow, thats not even funny. So much disrespect there.

epicgamer 18

Are you trying to imitate that starbucks ad?

Since he's your boyfriend and you're supposed to trust him, maybe there really was a mosquito. You never know

Are you serious? Don't be that naïve. Yes, you're supposed to trust your boyfriend, you're supposed to trust that he won't do shit like this in the first place. After you catch him doing something like this, no, that's when he's violated your trust and you shouldn't trust him anymore. Even if there was a mosquito there, you don't smack another person on such an intimate area to get it, you politely let them know so they can get it themselves. The OP's boyfriend is just a douche, and a lying one at that.

#29 yes you need trust in a relationship but you also need to know when they're lying and he clearly was. A mosquito bite isn't gonna kill that chick and he could have just told her and she could have dealt with it herself. I would not appreciate nor tolerate my boyfriend touching another girl.

Mosquito or not, a stranger is NOT allowed to slap me, let alone my ass. And it's pretty obvious it's a ******* lie.