By nofriends - 19/10/2013 21:57 - United States

Today, we had to give a surprise speech in speech class on two of our best and closest friends. My first friend was my mom. I had to make up the other one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 266
You deserved it 5 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's okay OP! it'll get better! At least you have a close bond with your mom!


Jazmine453 8

It's okay OP. Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends taught me that made up friends are actually cooler than real ones.

Hey at least you're close with your mom! I would give anything to be close to my mom again. And you'll find friends soon enough, sometimes the good friends take the longest to meet! :)

perdix 29

C'mon, people!!! Where is the obligatory "Aw, I'll be your friend?" Oh, well. It's good that your mom wasn't in class to give a rebuttal. "The law says I have to tolerate my child's presence!"

It's ok OP... The way things are going, even I would say all I have is my mom as my best friend and no one else... At least they are true to you...

Don't worry I'm anti social and people are dicks you don't want them anyways

Always hated those assignments where they assume you have friends. Or where they make you choose group partners and you're stuck all alone.

I don't really have real friends either. They're mostly on the internet. But that's good enough for me.

My mother is really my best friend, my brother comes in a close second. All the friends I had in early childhood, where are they now? No clue. They all left to find work on the other end of the country or somewhere else. My parents are lucky many of their childhood friends are still living close by.

You should have said your other friend was Jesus.