By meyo555 - 02/06/2011 09:45 - United States

Today, we finally got wireless Internet. My mom won't let us open any doors or windows in fear that it might "let the Internet out". It's 103 degrees in here. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 271
You deserved it 4 768

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

"Mom, can I let the internet outside for a pee?" "NOOOO! Never do that under any circumstances!"


This is my favourite FML ever, thank your mum for me

nomudkips 4

Problem is internets can get through doors and windows even when they're closed.

Jazzalyn 10

Wait - so #114 can be nice and not get chewed out? Woah... (Also - can someone tell me how to delete a comment I post on an FML if it's possible. It was also a long comment 'cause I saw someone else do something similar in a comment for another FML).

Jazzalyn 10

I don't know everything lol. I never bothered to find out (and I tried looking - but probably in the wrong places) 'cause I've never actually had a comment I wanted to delete before (I don't tend to bother finding about something unless I need to know it) :p. Maybe OP is the only one ^^ (I'll keep looking...later...).

LesCDeal 6

Don't worry about deleting your comment! It was fine. Probably the only one of any actual use to the OP. lol

Wow wtf. Ur mom must be dumb. Its not like your internet is going to run away lol

crauen 0

Hey, but at least you have wifi now.

dchswr85 6
Broddyy 0

your mom is kind of an idiot.

nate6957 2

this is why we need to keep technology away from the rednecks!