By nevercatchabreak - 31/08/2013 08:16 - United States - Burgettstown

Today, tired of everyone forgetting my birthday, I traveled half way around the world to spend my 40th at a five star resort just to try and make it special. The hotel brought me a cake with someone else's name on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 114
You deserved it 4 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well cake is cake! Sorry op I know how you feel you need to go and find some new friends who really care!

SirTalkaton 22

At least you got a cake. Happy birthday OP


mrlopez 13

Funny how the quote "have someone else's cake and eat it too" has some validity here.

ninjuh_wingman 29

On the bright side, you got a free cake.

Am I the only one who wishes everyone would forget my birthday. I hate that shit.

I agree.. Birthdays are not a big deal to me unless its one of my kids... Some of my friends throw themselves big parties every year and I think it's the funniest shit ever. Every year I just want the day off from housework.. Ha ha

Sorry :( And happy B day op. it's funny cuz I know another person that was born today as well :)

union_j 3

You're complaining about getting free cake?

Obey_StudBoii 23

Happy birthday OP. We here at FML won't forget it's your birthday :-)