By James - 18/02/2014 16:38 - Denmark

Today, there was a snowstorm in Denmark. I had a job interview, but because of the weather, the buses were delayed, and I had to wait more than an hour in the freezing cold. When I finally got there, I was told the person I was supposed to talk to hadn't been able to make it in today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 459
You deserved it 37

Top comments

Been there, done that. My fellow dane, I feel your pain.

you shouldve called because u knew there was a snowstorm so they mightve been closed


as for waiting in the snow, boo frigity hoo!!

See, very late in the 19th century they invented this thing called a TELEPHONE....

i am also from denmark and there was an snowstorm here!

Did you not think to call them?? And meh, it looks good that you made the effort to turn up soo...

hey,at least you didn't miss your interview!

Well, that sucks, but perhaps you could've called and asked about the interview. The good news is that you'll still look the better for it.

u should have called to conferm the interview. dam how sum do u have to be to not use ur phone and call.

Don't know what you mean by 'sum' here, but have you actually tried to use a mobile during a blizzard?? Strangely enough, you don't get any connection...

Awwh (; I feel so sorry for you :) And btw, I'm from Denmark too :D

LyingBraggart 0

YTDI for not calling in advance

Illustration is the second best ever, after Caturday... Great job, really made my day.