By FUCKING POWER - 02/11/2013 21:41 - United States - Wixom

Today, there was a power outage at my apartment. I ended up deciding that the power wasn't going to come on any time soon, and that I should go to a hotel for the night. Just after I unpacked at the hotel, my neighbor called to say the power had come back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 502
You deserved it 44 076

Same thing different taste

Top comments


caligirllife 11

Youre really that much of a baby to not spend one night without power?

You sleep with the lamp on really power goes out you sleep in the dark like a normal person

jenevil27 9

I've been in the same situation before, they gave me a refund because i wasn't there for three hours yet.

lol you seriously couldn't handle a power outage without going to a hotel? We sure are a spoiled lot..

I'm addicted to app's! I have several i pods loaded with app's of every conceivable genre! I NEED HELP!

The real time to check in to a hotel is four days later and still no power

yellowzinnias 20

It's NOVEMBER in MICHIGAN. A hot water bottle isn't going to cut it, people. If you've never actually felt cold, you need to stop commenting on this.

I lived in Michigan (my entire life) and lost power all the time. It's no big deal. Unless it's been weeks. Currently, in Central Michigan, there were tornados and cities with power outages for days. I don't know one single person that left their house...

Next time don't jump the gun aka jump to conclusions. Power outages happen all the time. If its just been a day, best bet is to stay put and wait it out. Jeez. Good comes to those that wait.

I've lived in Michigan my WHOLE life. I lived in the "boonies" where all we had were trees. We lost power all the time during the fall and winter that lasted anywhere between days and weeks. Get over yourself and stay in your house. Quit being a pansy. Just saying.