By xX-SaD-FaCe-Xx - 24/11/2009 10:04 - Singapore

Today, the woman I love told me she cared about me and didn't like me hurting myself. She then posted a picture of herself making-out with her new boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 892
You deserved it 5 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So she should not be happy just so that you will stop hurting yourself. Grow up emo kid.

Does she even KNOW you love her? That's kind of a prerequisite for getting love back...


anonymousely 0

YDI because you believe that "caring for someone" means that they love you. People care about their friends. Even an idiot like you could have figured out that in the context (about self-injury) she did not mean that she romantically cared about you.

:( ouch...hope things got better afterwards. <3 I feel bad for you, cuz I know how that feels. but of she cares and doesn't want you hurting yourself then you shouldn't, so cheer up hun :(

Just because he cuts himself he's "emo"? Emo isn't just based on what you do, it's also more a fashion/trend. And shut up, self-harm isn't just people doing it for attention or because they feel like it, they do it because they have problems. It's an addiction, it's not something people do for fun, and it's very hard to stop. It's just the same as anything else, such as smoking. People smoke, it's their choice, but they know it's bad for them and can be life-threatening, it's the same for self-harm. Sure, people may be a little bit messed up for hurting themselves, but it's their choice, and none of your business. You wouldn't go up to a smoker and say get over it, so don't do it to a self-harmer. People are usually ashamed of it, it's a problem, they will overcome it in their own time. So unless you've gone through it, then you won't know a single thing about how cutters feel. And to those people saying suicidal people are the people that cut, it's the complete opposite. Cutters cut because it may be their only way to prevent themselves from killing themselves, self harm is a copping mechanism for most.

revanche 2

holy shit......exact same thing with me

So she has to censor her own life just cos you love her?

This is just stupid.. Get over it and move on. She has a boyfriend she's obviously gonna post pictures of them together.

Omfg grow up and stop being so goddam selfish! She chose someone else, get over it. Stop punishing her because you can't have enough grace and respect to be happy for her. Sort your shit out.