By Ughh! - 20/02/2013 20:40 - France

Today, the people living below me have been blasting their music so loudly that I can hear every word as clear as day. The people next door think it's my music and feel the need to bang on the wall and blast their music just as loudly in revenge. I have two very important exams tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 010
You deserved it 3 299

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Communication is key. Just simply go talk to both neighbors calmly.

Sound-cancelling headphones. Best investment you'll ever make.


Here's the simplest setup. Buy two 15in active speaker cabinets (EON or Mackie TH15A) and an active 18in subwoofer rated to at least 1000 watts. Also all necessary cables (Mogami, Monster), a mixer (Rane), a cd deck (Denon, Pioneer), direct drive turn table (Technics), or simply a laptop. Hook it up, turn it on, and put on some Noisia, Caspa, Bassnectar, or Swedish House Mafia. Now you'll destroy all of your neighbors, rattle the walls and windows, and be on your way to becoming an amateur dj.

JCal585 8

Leave and go study in a library.. Come on now, it's called common sense..

crazytwinsmom 25

They shouldn't have to leave their home because of inconsiderate jerks.

You could: A.) talk to both neighbors, asking one to please turn their music down and the others that the sound was not coming from your room. B.) go to a library to study or do a group study with friends in a quieter location. Hell, go to your parents house. C.) both A and B

Option A: Complain to landlord. Option B: Confront both of your neighbors and tell them to keep it down. Option C: Study in the library. Your choice b*****

Why should the OP leave the apartment that he is obviously paying for just because other people are unable to respect one's right to peace and quiet in the privacy of one's home? I'd say call the police and the landlord. If landlord doesn't act in your favor, you can choose not to respect the landlord's right to collect your rent.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

You should've called the cops.