By oh well - 10/03/2015 13:27 - United States

Today, the only birthday present I got was a gift card to a steak house. Not a bad gift, but I'm a vegan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 800
You deserved it 8 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments

danceinconverse 25

Wow, hope it was a mis-steak.

Sell it and buy a vegetable plant or something you like.


hoosiergirl94 31

Simple solution. Don't be a vegan.

soulcrusher11 16

vegans suck. steak is great. get a life ****

no offence.. but theres no such thing as a vegan.

Let's hope they do good vegetables.

Most restaurants have salads and other dishes with no meat or pasta. You are missing out though, steak is awesome.

It's my Birthday today too! No presents though :(

Maybe OP could send you their gift card as a present!

1) hope your birthday turns around 2) use this as a sign to eat meat. is tastey 3) meat esters always have friends.

steak houses serve great salads, too.

Take the hint and nourish your body properly

Shhh & educate yourself on nutrition.

I am already well educated on nutrition. If I wasn't then I would foolishly think meat isn't needed