By Annonymous_Dad - 01/05/2013 23:22 - United States - Fort Wayne

Today, the neighbors in the next apartment reported me to the police for screaming at my newborn to "shut the hell up" every time he cries. I would never yell at my baby. My asshole of a dog on the other hand barks at everything, which terrifies the baby, causing him to cry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 828
You deserved it 6 072

Annonymous_Dad tells us more.

Annonymous_Dad 4

My dog IS trained. Generally, he just needs to be told "heel" or "quiet" and he obeys. However, ever since the baby has come home ( 3 weeks) hes gone into super protective mode. A car door slams and hes "killer guard dog". Its getting ridiculous and I do get exasperated when it happens multiple times within a half hour. He DOES listen when I yell, because its not something I have ever done with him. Afterwards, however, we go through the "heel" command and give treats. He just hasnt settled down yet! Maybe Ill just start yelling "Heel Killer!!" ( totally kidding, calm down, no more yelling for me)

Top comments

Get the dog looked after by someone else for a little while or train it not to bark... I bet having a new born and a barking dog is going to ensure you get very little sleep.

You don't abandon family members because they "won't shut up".


Your neighbors are dicks. They should probably mind their own business. Raising a child is super frustrating especially when your dog constantly barks & wakes the kid.

71- so, that would be the middle of nowhere then? you can pretty much guarantee somebody somewhere will have a problem with anything. also, why should she move in the first place? as she's said, she's in the process of training the dog to not be so protective. OP just needs patience also again, congrats on the baby OP :)

Wow, until I read the comments I was confused, and thought he mistook barking for you yelling at your baby to shut up.

Instead of yelling at the dog a firm tone would likely be more effective (and quieter) also try locking him in a different room, or outside if he is misbehaving that much.

Phoebe_Buffay 14

well, OP lives in an apartment complex, so i assume there's nowhere to safely keep the dog outside. secondly, locking the dog in a room would cause it to whine and whimper which is just as annoying.

Some dogs aren't like that, some are just fine when left in another room. I don't know the dog so I couldn't say of course.

So what, yelling at a child is illegal now too? Man some people have no idea.....

indianagirl3077 8

Lol I am a mother of 3 , I totally have been there . This just needs time to become a less frustrating situation . In other words , this too shall pass and become frustrating in a new way .

Just wanted to point out that although you said you are yelling at your dog, not your baby, your baby doesn't know that. Either way he/she hears the yelling, which cannot be good for him/her.

Because a 1> can comprehend what's going on, let alone remember it.

A baby may not be able to comprehend what's going on or being said but they can pick up on vibes. And in this case of OP yelling at the dog with frustration and probably exasperation, the vibe would be negative. OP, try to discipline your dog in a calm but firm voice. Yelling does no good for either him or the baby. He probably needs reassurance that everything is okay. Good luck!

109 yes, that does matter A LOT. Ever heard of attachment? It is essential in a human beings life. Now I don't think OP is yelling to much, but if someone is yelling all the time and there is a negative environment, an unsafe environment, this can be very, very harmful to a child, especially when it is so young and vulnerable. But seeing OP's comment here, I believe this is not applicable to this situation.

Sometimes animals get stressed when you bring home newborns, especially from the crying. Try putting him in another room. Or put him in a kennel or a muzzle on him when he barks as a punishment. Another thing to try is a squirt bottle with water and spraying him when he barks. Yelling at the dog just stresses out both him and your newborn.

Sounds like maybe you need to exercise the dog more so that he's too tired to bark? Good luck!