By khaelian - 11/11/2010 16:53 - United States

Today, the highlight of my day was that the gas station I work at finally got a new mop head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 953
You deserved it 4 082

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, get off the computer and swab the deck, matey! Arrr!


Seriously, it sounds as if you work at a gas station from a horror movie.. In the middle of Incestville. More importantly though, are you mopping the blood from killing young girls? Or something.

TheLittleLoli 0

Everyone knows you're actually talking about yourself. Stfu.

If your life is so damn boring, get out there and change it!

sinnedrebel 0

Maybe your "highlights" should be more infesting.

lemonypower 6

NO WAY!!!!!! *mini spazz attack*

eatlesschipmunks 0

Get a new job that doesn't pay minimum wage and girl or boy friend and a life

Look, people do these thongs to themselves. If you want more of a life, you need to apply yourself. Don't complain, DO something about it.

I meant 'things' not thongs, lol iPhone typing at it's best.