By 900104878 - 17/10/2015 03:48 - Canada

Today, the father of my unborn child got laid off. Without a work visa, he may have to leave the country before this baby even arrives. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 213
You deserved it 6 262

900104878 tells us more.

Hey OP here. I guess I should clarify some things. Birth control was used, as like every other time. It happened to fail. We were together a few months and a few more after we found out. I don't believe in staying with someone solely because of a child. It's not healthy for anyone. We get along fine and he's excited to be a dad. Absolutely not great timing of course. But I do not believe in abortion. I didn't post this because I'm worried about money. I have a good full time job that I will return to after my mat leave. My heart hurts for him, not me. I've got my family here, I'll be ok. Thank you for the support!!

Top comments

I'm so sorry this is happening when it's supposed to be such a happy time. Hopefully he can work something out at the embassy to give him a temporary visa? Or maybe he can find a new job?


I'd like to know why marrying him is not an option.