By jordigs - 23/12/2009 08:46 - United States

Today, the elderly couple next door asked me to cut down a tree in their yard. It turns out they told me to cut down the wrong tree, and I cut down the tree they got married under. They now hate me and tell me they plan to sue me for damage to property. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 500
You deserved it 4 256

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shadow33456 1

I feel bad for you but they told u to cut down that tree so it's not ur fault

why didn't they direct you to the correct tree, or better yet, supervise the tree cutting?


he said/she said with a plausible story on the OP's part. Then again, I have no faith in US courts

I don't think you are really in any trouble. I suspect that any reputable lawyer would feel obligated to talk them out of it. I can't believe this would stand up in court.

Comentator 0

Tell them that, that is not the tree they got married under. It was the one that is still

Not your fault if THEY told YOU to cut down the tree, and it ended up being the wrong one. Should be a no brainer if you have proof they told you to cut down that tree.

of course thats not yr fault, let them sue u

Chelsee45 5

that's stupid, it's not like it's your fault. they told you to cut the tree down. :/ it's their fault.

This lawsuit will get nowhere. Any lawyer will tell you they have no case. Rather than you having to prove they told you to cut down that tree, THEY will have to prove they told you to cut down another tree. It's the scale of justice. And husband and wife can't back each other up.

that's what happens when you try to help people