By Jeri - 12/02/2010 08:41 - United States

Today, the day of my 29th birthday and two weeks after our 10th wedding anniversary, the only thing my husband got me for my birthday was divorce papers. Happy birthday, bitch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 654
You deserved it 4 945

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh please. I'm 22 and have been with my fiancee since we were 14. We've been living on our own for four years. We're getting married this year. We're in the real world. I'm a teacher, he's an engineer. People can know love at a young age and that love can last a lifetime. Just because you don't know it doesn't mean others don't. Our relationship has lasted longer than many people who get married in their 30's.

NeonWar__ 0


monnanon 13

so what is an acceptable age to get married then?? People mature at different rates so maybe getting married at 18 was right of OP at the time I mean they were married for ten years not a couple of months. A lot can change in 10 years. Basically what most of the comments seem to be saying is "you're stupid for getting married at 18, you got divorced 10 years later, that never would have happened if you had got married at 22/23" Er no, people have got married at a much more "mature age" and divorced a few months later. The only thing that is a common factor in divorces is that they all got married first.

Yeah people mature at different rates...but obviously the OP's husband actually grew up in this time. It clearly wasn't "right", since it didn't work out. Do they get a certificate for making it to 10 years? I thought it was 'til death do us part'.

Read Tiffanyheart's comment above. When you agree on all those things and have them figured out, that's when you should get married.

monnanon 13

It may be til death do us part but hardly anyone is together all their lives. what I meant by pointing out that they had been together for ten years is that obviously something had to work for at least 5 of those years. I honestly dont see a problem with getting married at 18 it depends on your circumstances and maybe everything was in place for OP at the age of 18. The same thing could have happened if she was 28 or 38.

honeynutCheerios 0

and here I go again... The cake is a lie... The cake is a lie... The cake is a lie... The cake is a lie.....................

bigpapi210 0

that's so wrong. you're better off hun. he don't deserve you.

Hermyoni 0

I call bs on getting married young causes divorce. Plenty of people get married young and stay married for many many years. Back in the day people would meet get married and he'd be gone to war just a few days later yet those couples somehow managed to stay together generations. It's all about the husband just not really wanting to be married anymore and who knows maybe the OP brought it on herself. Also people today don't know how to commit. It's almost like you hit a bump in the marriage rather then talk and work it out they just opt for the easy route of divorce.

Actually, it's more about the stigma of divorce. In those days, people just didn't get divorced. It wasn't ok. My grandpa was practically disowned when, after marrying a non-catholic irish girl (my family was Sicilian), he got divorced. Hell, even where my bf grew up, people got married super young. It was just what you did. His own family hardly spoke to him for 6 months after his divorce because divorce just wasn't ok. He has plenty of friends who married young, and though they are together, they're miserable. Why? Because they can't face the thought of going through the hardships of getting divorced in that community. Nowadays, divorce has become the quick and easy solution. It's why so many marriages end in divorce. Some younger people's marriages get lucky and they stay happy. It's not very common, though. People grow and change, and a lot of times, people wonder what they may have missed out on.

just because you know of a few anecdotes about people getting married young and staying together or lasting X amount of years doesn't mean that you're right. STATISTICALLY people who get married younger have a higher rate of divorce, period.

skyshark 0

I call BS that you even know anything. Just like you said, the OP got married and it lasted many years, 10 to be exact. Yes, during WWII there wasn't facebook, myspace, or adultfriend finder for the spouses to cheat on each other so easily, plus morals in general were stronger back then. We're not living in the 40's anymore. An example you say? In the 40's was being gay widely accepted, exactly, these are different times, get there.

Preferences in a mate change with time and life experience which is why, these days, couples that marry so young (late teens and very early 20's) have a statistically higher rate of divorce than couples who marry later in life. I was madly in love when I was 19 too, but had we gotten married there's no way we would still be married by now. He was right for me then, but not for the long haul. However, the man I chose to marry when I was in my late twenties is still my husband today....18 years later. Give yourself a few years to experience life before making such a lasting committment that you may otherwise come to regret.

KurouTenshi 0

Maybe you should've made the 10th anniversary a little more enjoyable :/ oh well, keep that in mind for next time :D

sambobam 0

take him to the poor house hes an ass take everything he owns then he'll be sorry

youthink_fml 0

How about instead of SHE taking everything HE owns, THEY split everything THEY own. Why is it always HIS fault and SHE should get EVERYTHING? It's comments like this that make people think "What a bitch".