By theflow - 15/08/2012 17:08 - Australia - Perth

Today, thanks to a new form of birth control, I've now been having my period non-stop for six weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 231
You deserved it 4 546

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Go with the flow (haha, get it?) But no, that is seriously awful.


malikathamilf 2

I've had it happen and stopped taking the stuff. The ****** up part is that it can last for months and there's no rhyme or reason to it. Sometimes it'll slow up and start full throttle again a few days later. To the women reading this, try herbal supplements because bc normally messes up your hormones, which leads to the bleeding. The herbal stuff worked well for me when I started the pill and it worked well for a friend of mine. Get online and do your reading or visit an herb shop to learn what you need. Doctors tell you there is nothing you can do, but they're wrong!

amandajlucas2015 2

Or just get different birth control.. On my birth control I never have a period.. Polar opposites and I'd say much better

That's really unhealthy. Just saying. And I'm talking about no periods. Your body has them for a reason so don't try to change them.

miyaviichan 27

What birth control do you use?

She's saying to control the flow, not obliterate it... Of course not having your period is unhealthy, unless you're over 35, in which case its probs menopause haha.

TheDrifter 23

I know a number of women on Lybrel and such that, depending on their bc choice either have 3-4 periods a year or haven't had one in years. A lot of the new birth control forms operate like that, controlling the hormone swings that cause periods.

liz805 4

Not having a period while you're on birth control is ok. Birth control like the implant, mirena (iuc) and depo (the shot) can make your periods go away. Things likebirth control pills and the nuva ring help to regulate your periods but they can also be used to skip your period which is completely fine too!!

It really bothers me when people thumb down correct comments. The reason it's bad for you to go without having periods is because it raises your chances at developing blood clots, heart attack, and strokes. It's on every pill box and implant. Not to mention the risk of cancer from your body thinking it's pregnant. That's why either every six weeks or six months, you need to take a couple weeks off of birth control to help lower that risk. For OP, she needs to get on the pill and NOT a shot. They work completely differently and bleeding is a common complaint. The pill can counteract that if it messed up the body. My old friend had to take birth control because her periods just wouldn't stop.

Because there is a high chance she isn't taking a pill. That's why.

Ask Mitt Romney, he'll make sure you don't take it anymore. :P Sorry, OP; I hope it gets better soon!

I'll assume you talked to your dr. about this? :/. Glad I can't take birth control. I don't want that crap in my body anyhow.

Damn. Sorry OP. i can't even handle one week

dinosaurzombie 14

I don't think any girl can. It's terrible.

sadgirl1001 4

Poor thing. I've had problems with my period in the past, my longest was 8 weeks. Hang in there and if you haven't already, make an appointment with a doctor or see if you can get a referral to a specialist. I had to try out several different forms of birth control until I found what worked for me.

hateevryone 14

That is why I stick to the shots.

malikathamilf 2

That damn shot was what made me bleed the most. I hope whoever created DepoProvera burns in hell.

Because of the shot I've been bleeding for over a year. My doctors say to wait it out. It can take over a year for your hormone level to regulate

The shot is one of the worst you can take as no one knows how you'd react and then you can't do nothing about it.. Way to much hormones in the shots!