By teinage - 02/05/2011 18:47 - Belgium

Today, some kids stole all four wheels off my car. They were nice enough to leave a note and some money though, "for the bus". FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 767
You deserved it 3 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL FYL, hopefully they left the right amount for the bus. :P


laaura259 0

if these guys had to resort to stealing your tires they probably needed them more than the OP. im sure they felt bad (hence the money)

Ha, that is funny! Of course, in real life, the idea of "some kids" being able to steal "all four wheels" off a car isn't remotely plausible, but it is a nice story.

msbritt06 0

how do you know they were kids

OP could be old and consider anyone under the age of 30 or 35 a "kid".

At least they were considerate (correct me for my spelling) and not some little douches.

silentblack 0

wow. what happened to asking their parents for money

Awww how cute, the considerate theif. You should find them and inform them that they are adopted and they were concieved in a dutch oven

johncarterer93 0

How did they get the tires off?

Awww aren't they cute! Well for giving you the money yeah :) but FYL