By StudentAbroad - 18/02/2016 13:27 - Ukraine - Kiev

Today, several Ukrainians didn't believe me when I said I was American. Apparently I'm not fat enough. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 003
You deserved it 2 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wasn't aware that you had to be fat to be an American. Good to know.

ScottVining 21

It's sad that we have that reputation.


I'm only half American for now. I'm working hard to become a full fat American

Media and social networks are working hard to portray all americans as lazy, fat and stupid. It's now a stereotypical view of all Americans. If you don't fit the stereotype, you're not "American" or "not American enough"

ABlindMan 17

Even though the US isn't even the fattest country in the world... Last I checked it was Mexico

i fail to see the fml here, this is a good thing.