By Limalia - 24/01/2011 21:00 - Switzerland

Today, one week after my girlfriend berated me for not being invested enough in our relationship, I proposed to her. Her answer? "I meant give me an orgasm, not a ring!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 327
You deserved it 10 632

Same thing different taste


lil_lala209 5

your stupid for purposing to someone who cheated on you...

Cant think of an appropriate comment :(

jewjewB 0

it's time to find a new fiancé trust me when I say she sounds like she's greatly unappreciative and I don't know what women would make any other comment than yes after getting an engagement ring

" I don't know what women would make any other comment than yes after getting an engagement ring" Oh, I don't know. Maybe those who don't want to get married/aren't ready yet?

you are the one guy who didn't interpret that as sex

FTP2013 0

maybe she was on her period? the world may never know.

Dump that bitch. Put it in her butt first.

He can't even give her an ******, yet she should have accepted the ring? I don't think so!!!!

mellomaniac 0