By WhyM3Th0ugh - 10/09/2015 23:21 - United States - Sunnyside

Today, one of my idiot classmates decided it was a good idea to throw his water bottle across the room to his friend. Unfortunately, I was sitting in front of his friend. I now have a very noticeable bruise and bump near my temple along with a headache. Everybody laughed at me. Even the teacher. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 012
You deserved it 1 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, if I were there I'd probably laugh too, but if no one asked if you're okay, they're probably all dickheads.

one of the many reasons I'm doing homeschooling, don't gotta deal with people's shit, and I don't gotta deal with waking up at 6:00 in the morning.


Sorry op. I just had a girl chuck her pencil across the room and stab me the other day.

I would've thrown it right back at the classmate. Sorry you've got to deal with people like that OP!

Getting hit in that area can be dangerous. If your headache persists, see a doctor.

Sue the dude for assault. If you photographed your injuries, you might have a case.

Bandicoot88 16

This is how school shootings are started

the teacher sounds kind of unprofessional to me js

I feel you because I was always that kid that got hit. ALWAYS. Whether it was with a ball walking to class. Just eating at lunch and a food fight starts it hit me instead of the table beyond me. I feel your pain OP!!