By incaseudidntkno - 18/09/2011 13:36 - United States

Today, on my way to a concert, some guy told me I had cool sunglasses. I was about to thank him until he punched me in the face. I woke up with no sunglasses and no ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 563
You deserved it 2 850

incaseudidntkno tells us more.

They were Oil Rig Oakleys and my face still hurts. My friend also got punched in the nose haha.

Top comments

Objects in mirror may be meaner than they appear.

You're supposed to black out after the concert


yamatelle 19

Well, it looks like: *puts on sungl... Shit! we don't have any sunglasses. Well, ****.



that is funny......well nt for u at least

I find it quite hilarious actually. that's why I posted it. Haha

itzNaynay 0

Hide yo kids, yo wife and yo sunglasses !!!

TrollololFML 2


TrollololFML 2

umad fml team? you narcissistic pricks. Delete ALL the comments. Close ALL the comment boards. **** ALL the people's opinions. GTFO the internet losers. Trollololol

theonlysweetpea 10
ikickgingers 15

They were talking about two different people with the same name. One sang "sunglasses at night". The other Corey hart plays for the brewers as previously stated. If you ask who the brewers are I might punch you in the ****. :)

DontHateAppricia 0

Bet your glad you didn't thank him now arent chya

He wears his sunglasses at night so he can, so he can, keep track of visions in his eyes.

blurider17 11