By incaseudidntkno - 18/09/2011 13:36 - United States

Today, on my way to a concert, some guy told me I had cool sunglasses. I was about to thank him until he punched me in the face. I woke up with no sunglasses and no ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 563
You deserved it 2 850

incaseudidntkno tells us more.

They were Oil Rig Oakleys and my face still hurts. My friend also got punched in the nose haha.

Top comments

Objects in mirror may be meaner than they appear.

You're supposed to black out after the concert


Bekkah7 0

If he punched u in the face wouldn't he brake ur sunglasses ?

jbong 0

Ur fault for wearing cool sunglasses

PinkFun1969 9

I hoped you remembered your seat and called security. fuckem

Wow. That truly sucks OP. He sure knew how to target his victims. I sure hope you didnt' make yourself look like a obvious target.