By MadelynGraceS - 28/12/2015 06:56 - United States - Lafayette

Today, on my day off, despite working a night shift the night before I was up early to clean and cook all day to spoil my boyfriend. At 10 p.m. when I finally settled down into the bathtub, my phone rang. It was work, asking where I was for my shift. I didn't have the day off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 447
You deserved it 3 904

MadelynGraceS tells us more.

This was my post! To clarify, I worked a night shift and woke up early in the morning. I guess someone told my work ( I work at a hospital) that I was covering their shift so I was supposed to come back in that night but never heard about it. People change schedules without notifying everyone a lot lol. And that would suck! if my boyfriend called to break up with me I'd just get out of the tub and go beat him up since we live together :p

Top comments

At least it wasn't your boyfriend breaking up with you on the phone.

Hope you didn't get into to much trouble OP !


rabbi1010 29

That sucks op. Since you were probably up for at least 24 hours, did you end up going into work? Is your work one of those places where they change the schedule around all the time?

fallen_dragonkin 12

that's awful. happened to me a few years ago

You should have checked what your schedule was like. I do that everyday.

I check mines everyday about four times. Better safe then sorry,and hopefully for boss is a kind soul and understanding. Best of luck OP.

This has happened to me, as nd I got fired bc I didn't have a ride to work.

mwali02 32

You sound like a lovely woman OP. As a fellow shift worker, I feel your exhaustion, and you definitely deserved a comfy bath after a long night and busy day. Hope you didn't have to rush into work right away, and maybe next time change your phone setting to the good old do not disturb... Even if it is just to get to enjoy a brief bath in silence. Best wishes, and take care! :)

Comments here are glowing, to the point of brown-nosing! Just sayin'

It seems to be a common practice these days for employers to change schedules without notice... It's happened to me, too.

This was my post! To clarify, I worked a night shift and woke up early in the morning. I guess someone told my work ( I work at a hospital) that I was covering their shift so I was supposed to come back in that night but never heard about it. People change schedules without notifying everyone a lot lol. And that would suck! if my boyfriend called to break up with me I'd just get out of the tub and go beat him up since we live together :p

It's nice that you have such a great relationship. Did they let you have the night off or did you have to rush in?