By 479firefighter - 10/12/2010 05:11

Today, my wife was complaining she always has to put up the Christmas tree. So this year while she was out shopping, I decided to put it up. I set it too close to the fireplace and it caught fire. I'm a firefighter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 902
You deserved it 41 987

479firefighter tells us more.

479firefighter 0

um I have a degree in firefighting I'm 26 and the tree was too big to start with and it was fake. plus we have a open fire place. so I put the tree in the best possible spot. my bad I put it out b4 it hurt any of the house.... no more tree tho

Top comments

guess the fire got angry and called a hit on your house

this is proof that you fine muscled men are not all perfect


I hope you were able to put it out in time! I have intentionally set fire to thrown put Christmas trees and they go up like matches. huge flame.

Your hair is awesome. I wish I had hair...or at least a nose.

Yeah, you're a firefighter NOW, before that, you were just passive-aggressive.

Don't tell your boss about this, or you might get, *sunglasses* FIRED! Bu-dum-ching

skyeyez9 24

If it is a real tree, even worse cause the heat from the fireplace will dry out the tree and it will burn faster and hotter than a fake one.

thatguyjh 5

did your unit come to put it out? or do you liv out of the area. if you live out, non of those guys have to know you are a firefighter. at least I would keep quiet about it.