By NYmets456 - 05/04/2013 04:25 - United States - Ithaca

Today, my twelve year-old son thought it would be a good idea to relentlessly shoot the mail truck with a paintball gun in front of all the neighbors. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 138
You deserved it 9 726

NYmets456 tells us more.

Just so you know, everything has worked out fine. The mailman was pretty nice about it. He had to wash off the back of the truck, and pay a little money to help fix it.

Top comments

Shouldn't his parent discipline him? Oh wait........ YOU'RE the parent!

If your son hasn't already been informed, maybe now would be a good time to let him know... On August 2, 1968, assault on a mail carrier became a federal crime in the United States. I hope your mailman has a sense of humor or your son could be in big trouble. We were all stupid kids once. Use this opportunity to help scare him smart! Good luck!!!


kaimariebee 15

Time to take that shit away.

I did not buy him a paintball gun. His cousins were visiting, and they are both avid paintballers. They put their guns in the front closet, and my son got ahold of them.

OP, the fact that he took the gun from the closet without permission is not making it any better! It is your responsibility as a parent to teach the kid that guns (yes, also paintball markers) are NOT toys!!! Best thing that could happen is that the mail carrier does start legal proceedings against you and your son. Seems you both have a lesson to learn!!! This is a general problem around the Western Hemisphere ... Kids aren't taught respect any more. My son will be born June/July this year. I hope I'll be able to raise him to be a responsible kid with respect for other people. None of which you seem to have accomplished!

Wow, you are HARSH, and not to mention discriminatory against a pretty large population. As I once wrote in a different post, there is no way to know whether or not OP is or isn't a good parent and didn't try to drill it in her kid's head the difference between right and wrong. Point is, parents can honestly try their hardest and do nothing wrong and kids can still be stubborn and might still act out regardless of what they are taught. There is such a thing as suddenly acting out when previously, the parent might not have had any reason to believe his or her kid would do something bad. Granted, what OP's kid was pretty bad, but if he was overall an okay kid before and there was no reason for OP not to trust him, OP to have to keep hovering over him to make sure he'd behave. Obviously, I would hope she'd keep an eye on him now though...

Maybe I shouldn't have generalized. However, when in the past this was basically an exception, it is now the rule that parents let their kids get away with just about anything. Bad grades in school? = WTF teacher? Do you hate my kid? Most kids today know no consequence for their actions or inaction. This is the root cause for the wide spread and escalation of bullying among other things.

I definitely agree about the school thing. I know firsthand how parents (namely my mom's friends) like to blame colleges for not accepting their kids as if the college has some personal vendetta against the kid and that it couldn't POSSIBLY be because the kid was simply not up to the school's standards. (Yeah, not as related to the discipline thing, but still, some parents are crazy defensive when it comes to their kids overall.)

You shouldn't have let them store paintball guns in your front closet in easy reach of a twelve year old. Unless your backyard is a paintball ring, they didn't need to bring them to your home.

DobbyTheFreeElf 4

i think OP did a great job with disciplineing her son, she made him clean the truck, thus showing remorse for the act and acknowledging it was wrong

Jesus Christ. I'm getting sick of all the people here who are so over dramatic. I mean seriously, if anyone does anything, he gets sued, arrested or bitched out. what ever happened boys will be boys. Its a ******* paintball gun. My dad gave me a real gun to shoot gophers with on our farm when I was 10. there is no reason why a 12 year old kid can not have a paintball gun. Second, why the hell is everyone so up tight. "He broke a federal law". What the F????? He shot a truck with a paintball gun, not even the guy, the truck! Am I saying what the kid did was okay? no, he should have to clean it and apologize but that's all that is really necessary. People like you are what make me lose hope in society. Because of people like you, Children will be like soldiers, they wake up, march to school, march home and don't you dare do anything else otherwise people will get mad and sue you for having fun.

Speaking of overdramatic overreactions...

I feel like YDI, OP. For buying and supplying your son with a paintball gun and supplies, and for possibly not warning him firmly enough of the consequences if he used it outside of the appropriate arenas.

tenfiftynine 12

If you read above you know that OP didn't buy him a paintable gun.

Maybe I didn't know that OP had commented because I was skimming? Excuuuuuse me.

onorexveritas 23

time and place were all wrong, weren't they?

Why are people overreacting to this. He's 12 years old. Everyone does stupid shit when they're 12

Oh definitely, like last week a handful of 12 year olds egged my car. That wasn't destructive at all, and I'm laughing at how long it took to clean off my hood, windshield, and underneath the car bra. Soooo not a big deal.

Why would you let a 12 year old have a paint ball gun?!

UnluckyGenius 21

Sorry but OP is fail parent in my opinion. At age 5 my family taught me to never point guns at anyone, even if it was a toy. They continued teaching me more about guns down the line. Now I am 18 years old, every time I hold a gun all I could think is the lessons I have been taught. The majority of the men in my family were in the military, OP probably doesn't have that advantage. Still fail parent, buying a kid a gun without teaching him responsibility or safe use.