By NYmets456 - 05/04/2013 04:25 - United States - Ithaca

Today, my twelve year-old son thought it would be a good idea to relentlessly shoot the mail truck with a paintball gun in front of all the neighbors. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 138
You deserved it 9 726

NYmets456 tells us more.

Just so you know, everything has worked out fine. The mailman was pretty nice about it. He had to wash off the back of the truck, and pay a little money to help fix it.

Top comments

Shouldn't his parent discipline him? Oh wait........ YOU'RE the parent!

If your son hasn't already been informed, maybe now would be a good time to let him know... On August 2, 1968, assault on a mail carrier became a federal crime in the United States. I hope your mailman has a sense of humor or your son could be in big trouble. We were all stupid kids once. Use this opportunity to help scare him smart! Good luck!!!


Ah yes, this will be a most excellent lesson in 'actions have consaquences' .....

34, if he shoots himself in the crotch, he does not deserve to be in the genepool anyway, so no foul. :)

Well you shouldnt have bought him a paintball gun. You live and learn

My local mailman is an asshole too!!

ZacZ 8
Panda_Shy_Haven 17

Open hand to the back of the head? Take the paintball gun away? Be a parent and discipline your child? Three choices. And I think you're gonna need all of them.

HeadlessSparrow 20

His punishment: only allowing him to be a mailman when he grows up.

Allornone 35

Yes, but this fml isn't some hypothetical "what if he shoots something he shouldn't" situation. He DID shoot something- some poor guy just trying to do his job. At the very least, his truck needs to be cleaned, maybe even repainted. There was harm and foul.