By sophie - 13/04/2011 16:36 - United States

Today, my teacher told me I wasn't pretty enough to play the princess part in the play. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 788
You deserved it 5 758

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everybody knows that it is impossible for a princess to be ugly. I mean, if you're rich and powerful you HAVE to be pretty.

nillakush1 3


hebron77 0

"But teacher, the only part left is the witch, and you could play that better than I could."

You poor thing :( If my teacher said that to me my dad would bash the sh*t out of him and my mum would sue his ass! :D

sceptic 1

It just means you really aren't pretty enough, get over it and be thankful there are still straight forward people out there

iBiteRoses 22

Boo hoo, I was told I'm too ugly to get ANY part in a play, and too fat to try out for cheerleading...

Is that legal? Because I know a teacher got fired once because she asked an overweight child if he had ate his missing homework.

Whatever the teacher thought, that was a very poor way of saying that you were not getting the part. If others have more experience or are otherwise suited then she should have said that. If you are obviously the best qualified then she should have said that she wanted to bring someone else on because you didn't need the experience. Poorly done there.