By mskawaiibat - 29/06/2013 10:01 - United States - Laguna Hills

Today, my step mom and her kids moved in. This is my first night sharing a room with her daughter. She snores, sleep talks, and sleep scratches the side of the bed creating a sound like nails on a chalkboard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 760
You deserved it 3 413

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe she's angry that her mother married your father and stayed awake just to screw with you in an attempt to make everyones lives harder? I only suggest this because I've never heard of sleep scratching and you'd think the sound of nails on a chalk board would wake any one up.


Maybe some sleeping pills or PM meds would help.,,

graceinsheepwear 33

For the botherer or the botheree? NyQuil for everyone!

If you find a solution, let me know. I'm having an issue with cats wrestling on top of me at 5am. I've tried talking to them about it, but they just give me a blank stare and act like nothing is wrong. I suppose that's the same as trying to communicate with a stepmother, though, correct?

Been there done that OP. kick her out.

pinguino3669_fml 23

Maybe it'd be best if one of you slept on the couch for a couple of nights.

Obey_StudBoii 23

Just don't touch her drumset lol

CharresBarkrey 15

It's a shame more people didn't get this reference. I thought it was genius, 1.

tintaroja 14

The nail screech reference made me screech too...

Bigfabthetruth52 22

What type of material is that bed made out of to be making that kind of noise.