By flustered - 06/05/2012 14:57 - United States - Rapid City

Today, my son tried to swat a fly with a hammer. Our apartment walls are now littered with dents and holes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 571
You deserved it 4 773

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Idonebeenhad 17
nadnerbz 6

If he had actually managed to kill it I would be impressed. I can barely get those things with a fly swatter


Stop! Hammer time! *throws hammers everywhere*

Guitar360 4

I get the feeling your son is not going to go far in life...

Why on earth didn't you put the hammer in a place your son would be unlikely to get it? And why didn't someone stop this kid the first time he hit the wall with the hammer?

deadeyedex 6

Only in America ( I live in Ca)

avk369 1

But the important thing is....did he get it??

chinchaaa 4

How in the world could he get his hands on a hammer?!

*queue billy mays voice* "Hi Billy nays here with the all new Ding King! Have dents? No problem! Just stick the ding king in and you're good!"

way to raise a intelligent member if society