By oink oink fuck off - 29/07/2012 18:49 - United Kingdom - Doncaster

Today, my son got to my great grandfather's old stopwatch, which had been valued at a very high sum, and broke it by twisting the hands in reverse. He says he was trying to time travel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 952
You deserved it 3 714

Same thing different taste

Top comments

justmethough 8

How old is your son exactly..?


soad2014 7 I the only one who thought of Men in Black 3? Agent J did time travel on something that looked like a watch.

KiddNYC1O 20

He should've asked Stewie for help.

I really hope that your son is a toddler instead of some moronic 20-something.

noobgang7 5

You deserve it for having it valued you greedy ass. It is a family keepsake and it should damn well stay that way


Family keepsake, my ass. Maybe they needed the money when they got it valued, or maybe they just don't insist on keeping something that they don't use. Don't call someone a "greedy ass" simply because they might have considered selling something given to them. You're one of those pricks who think that gifts shouldn't ever be given away aren't you? That we should just hoard everything given to us? Do us all a favor, and don't reproduce.

Well just twist it in reverse and never give it to him.

hope the hands didn't break off...and age is a factor also...I am sure it's repairable but he would have to work his ass of to have it repaired...then he would never mess with something old again...

Anything I have of value like that is in a safety deposit box or somewhere safe. How did this get into the hands of a young boy?

DasHaas 9

You should probably keep a closer eye on your kid and/or move things of such value and fragility out of reach.

Good parenting though, you got to love his imagination! :)