By darquedraconian - 12/05/2014 02:27 - United States - Rapid City

Today, my son gave me some flowers for Mother's Day. Unfortunately, the only time I can enjoy them is when I go into the bathroom where they are kept so the cat doesn't eat them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 911
You deserved it 6 317

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SharnaaaBanana 22

Hey, it's still a nice present, doesn't matter where you are to appreciate them. :)

Would a rose in any other room smell as sweet?


graceinsheepwear 33

Are you sure the cat is eating them versus smelling them? I've had cats that loved to smell flowers and bouquets. If it's eating them, get it some pet grass and your flowers will be less tasty than the grass.

I know your pain OP! My kitty children eat all my plants. My son gave me beautiful roses that are on top of the fridge! Happy mother's day!

my goofy cats do the same thing. mine too have to be in the bathrooom. silly cats.

mellingeramber 13

I know the feeling. On Valentine's day, I came home and my roses had been attacked by my cat. She thought they were her play toy.

RedPillSucks 31

Time to train your cat. No more cat deflowering...

That's why there was a dragon statue instead of flowers here. My cat does this too. But we watch him and spray him with water if he starts trying to eat flowers.

Very nice. But that's the price of having a cat :)

Cats eat plants to help with digestion and get vitamins low in their diet. I would suggest anyone with a cat who is going after their plants should get some kitty grass from a pet store. Its not a fool proof solution (some cats are just odd and eat odd things, lol), but its healthy for them and helped get our cats to leave flowers and inside plants alone for the most part. good luck!

I own a cat that eats crescent rolls, doughnut, and much much more

rocker_chick23 27

I feel your pain OP. My husband bought me beautiful flowers and my cat tries to eat them so I have to keep them on top of the tv stand