By ugh annoying - 01/07/2011 07:41 - United States

Today, my sister was on shrooms. I wasn't able to tackle her before she called the cops to say that her books were trying to eat her face off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 189
You deserved it 3 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Blame Mario for spreading the shroom trend

More like FYL, her books were trying to eat her face.


WaylonD 4

What's cool about shooms is you can usually control it, you can trip when you want to, n if you don't, you can shake it off n be normal. I drove about 30 miles on shrooms, then went with a group of ppl, n no one knew.

She was seeing that world for what it really is, awsome

She was seeing that world for what it really is, awsome

BeeMaddness 0

that is the funniest thing ever!!!

why was it your job to stop her? you shoulda encouraged the books!

savage408 0

damage should have taken the phone off the hook lol

It's a good idea to unplug the phone before tripping. Even better, go somewhere without phones or cell reception. Learned from personal experience.

emillio4 0

well at least you didn't have to call and explain that story to the cops. ha

Haha, this is a bad day for your sister, not you man :P