By ugh annoying - 01/07/2011 07:41 - United States

Today, my sister was on shrooms. I wasn't able to tackle her before she called the cops to say that her books were trying to eat her face off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 189
You deserved it 3 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Blame Mario for spreading the shroom trend

More like FYL, her books were trying to eat her face.


Kimbi82 0

The comments to this fml we better than the actal story! Loved it :D

bluebird0020 2

so you think this is a FYL because you couldn't hide your sister's illegal habit from the cops?

justnotwright 0

that the kind of great stuff that happens to junkies.

hahaha I couldnt stop laughing after reading this one

spacemonkey420 0

dam sounds like she had penis envis. I like those crazzy trips

i would love to do shrooms, but sadly i dont know how/where to get them. :( oh but i do have one question: what did the cops say?

SamDream 3

YDI if you weren't on drugs you wouldn't have this problem