By didn't notice for 2 years - 10/06/2015 23:14 - United States - Goodyear

Today, my sister told me that the only reason I like one guy is because he looks exactly like the guy that dumped me. I showed her two pictures to argue against it, and ended up proving her right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 121
You deserved it 5 815

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The heart wants what the heart wants. Usually people prefer the same look in people they date/are attracted to.


Surprise twist: They're identical twins

middlenamefrank 8

That's not TOO shallow, I guess. Oh, wait, yeah, it is shallow.

morgankimberlyyy 14

Perhaps it was a subconscious decision, nevertheless it looks like you should move on from your previous relationship then to start a new one.. Good luck, OP!

My friend once pointed out that all the people I had crushes on in hs looked the exact same. So i put all thier pictures side by side and she was right. Some people just have a particular taste, its not a bad thing.

My ex and my fiancé look similar. They also share the same first name and similar middle names. When I first introduced my son to his family, they asked how long we had known each other and if my son was his.

If anybody gets the friends reference... Ross and Russ. Is your name Rachel?

I realized after 4 years...that all the guys, while I was dating them, had long hair. My current bf has really long hair lol

So what if the looks are the same? It doesn't necessarily mean he'll have the same mentality! You should definitely hang out with him and get to know each other. Maybe you'll like this one better and get the chance to prove your sister that looks don't matter. Besides, it's a psychological fact that we tend to look for our past lovers' features in the new ones.