By curseyousuperman - 01/04/2015 16:20 - United States - Conway

Today, my self-esteem issues got me jealous of Superman's hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 828
You deserved it 6 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just his hair? Of all his abilities, it's his hair you want?

If that is so, then definitely don't compare yourself to David Tennant


Pfft, if we're talking about superhero hair, Thor's luscious locks are the only ones truly worthy of envy.

imcheap21 5

You could be jealous of robins hair Instead I mean just look at it, who doesn't want robin hair

SadisticStephyy 21

Don't worry OP, I read the comics and I can tell you he just got a haircut. The curl is gone my friends.

Envious, Not Jealous - Jealous is when you have something you feel someone will take away. Envious means you feel this emotion when someone else has a thing or a character that you wish to possess. And there ends your english lesson. Good Night

Kinda lost points by not capitalising "English", mate

WasabiG 11

Its not your self esteem issues dude. everyone is jealous of supermans hair!